Saturday, December 17, 2016

Let's roll Rocky Bowlers ...

Dear Bowlers ...
 Rocky has, though his hard work through the years, added to the
Kübler-Ross model of Loss. . . commonly referred to as DABDA. . . to incorporate Steve Long into the process. . . The Long-Kübler-Ross  system. . .
 Optimism -  "Yeah, this is my year. . . I really have a handle on it. . . I'm gunna finish in the Money"
Confusion - "What, how did #7 lose to an unranked team?"
Denial - "This is NOT happening!  NOT Happening!!!"
Anger - "What the HECK is going on here?!?  Steve?  Did you record my picks right?"
Depression - "Another Frickin' Year man. . . Another Frickin' Year!!!"
Acceptance - "At least I didn't get the Toilet Seat. . . At least I probably won't"
Feigning Praise - "Congrats to Tony's Sister who picked teams based upon their Chakra Color Index"
Fuge - "I never actually tried hard to win Rocky Bowl.  Someday I'll actually put some serious thought and effort into it. . . I've never exposed myself.. my core being. . . to the harm that could come from participation.  Perhaps next year I'll allow myself to be vulnerable. . ."
 Like Spring follow Winter, these developmental milestones cannot be skipped. . . for it they are ignored, . . . repressed . . . sublimed. . . ,  then one is forced to relive them year. . . after year. . . after FRICKIN' YEAR!!!
 Let the Games Begin!
 GO DAWGS!!!! (Winners of the 2016 Apple Cup and #4 in the Nation) (TC - Whatever!!! The tide will roll and bring Dawg Nation back to earth).